搜索 Joaquim

  • 故事以十八世紀末葉爲背景,寫兩個身份神秘的人之經歷:一個身世不明的孤兒和負責照顧他,同樣不知身份的意大利裔年輕保母。由羅馬到巴黎,里斯本到倫敦,再由帕爾馬到威尼斯。為了不明的原因,沿途都有一個可疑的卡拉布里亞人和一個情緒不安的紅衣主教在暗處跟着他們。隨着他們腳蹤的帶領讓我們發現了梵蒂岡不為人知的陰謀;足以致命的激情所帶來…
  • In the 17th century a warrior woman fights for the independence of Angola. After witnessing the murder of her son and watching her people being humiliated by Portuguese colonizers, Njinga will become a Queen and struggle for their liberation embodying the motto: those who stay fight to win.
  • EXP. 1 / II, Joaquim Puigvert (Vilobí d’Onyar, Girona, 1928) «En els Exp, Puigvert utilitza el ratllat de pel·lícula com a tècnica d’expressió animada i acoloreix amb posterioritat les imatges resultants. Molt més a prop de McLaren que …
  • Ana es una ex militante de ETA que vive en un pueblecito llamado Bermillo de Sayago, cerca de la frontera con Portugal. Trabaja de veterinaria junto con su amigo y compañero de trabajo Darío. Con él comparte sus quehaceres diarios y su rutina, junto con su hija Amalia. Ana es una mujer escondida en sí misma, pero un dí…
  • 电影剧情
  • The film was to be a documentary, but evolved during production to a fictional film. It nevertheless adheres strictly to the poems and letters exchanged by two of the most outstanding names of the Modernist Movement, Fernando Pessoa (in Lisbon) and Mário de Sá-Carneiro (in Paris). Their endless conversation was dramati…
  • A didactic tendency prevails in some of Joaquim Jorda's first films, for example in Portugal a Calm Country (Portogallo, paese tranquillo) (1969), which was shot in a clandestine way, and in Lenin is Alive (Lenin vivo) (1970), both of which were made by request of the Italian Communist party and both of which are rigor…