- The Midsomer Langley Film Society shows a retrospective of horror films made by local actress Stella Harris but Stella is upstaged when glamorous movie star Diana Davenport,her sister,returns to the area for the first time in forty years with film producer husband Cy. The same night Eve Lomax,a writer working on a book…
- 'The Trials of Muhammad Ali' covers Ali's toughest bout: his battle to overturn a five-year prison sentence for refusing US military service in Vietnam. Prior to becoming the most recognizable face on earth, Cassius Clay became Muhammad Ali and found himself in the crosshairs of conflicts concerning race, religion, and…
- 就在哈特蘭丁村即將歡度聖誕時,不祥的陰影似乎預告這座小鎮即將壟罩在黑暗中。一名富裕的商人正在村莊正中央興建一座巨大的百貨公司。詭計多端的他看似無人能擋, 「一直買、買、買」似乎是他最愛的口頭禪。 沃爾特和唐杜里很快就意識到這家企業狡詐又不可靠。果不其然,水和空氣品質惡化、環境受到汙染並且村民們的行為突然變得更糟!我們…