搜索 Joris

  • 电影
    Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a blue bird, endowed with many powers that illuminated and protected the kingdom and all its inhabitants. In this kingdom lived a mother and her six sons. She worked hard to raise her boys, but they were reckless and disobedient. One day, they wake up a forest beast a…
  • 讲述Max和Pascal这对情侣的故事前者是个有名的电视节目制作人,是个不太安分的家伙;后者是个小有名气的肥皂剧演员,一心想着去好莱坞发展在迎来他们在一起三周年纪念party之际,一些事情发生了...情节比较突兀,导向性过于明显,到最后就是一人犯一个错,互相抵消, 再回到最初的循环www.19lou.com
  • 电影生活
    凯文,珊曼莎及罗博三人原本生活的安全无虑,唯一的梦想便是能够创出一番丰功伟业;他们的秘密基地是经由精密科技所打造而成的,为了达成三人的梦想,他们开始着手一件史上最大宗,也是最不可能成功的抢案。  原因就在于,他们三个人都仅止于纸上谈兵,从未真正实行过所谓的抢案;直到他们收到了一位英籍杀手─李欧寄来的黑函后,发现他们已被…
  • 乌兰斯匹格滑稽多智,疾恶如仇,倜傥不羁。其父被西班牙统治者迫害致死,身负血海深仇的他为了民族解放和信仰自由顽强斗争。
  • Paul and Anna live an apparently happy and successful life. But when their son inexplicably falls ill, the facade of a seemingly happy family life crumbles completely, like brittle porcelain that can no longer be glued.
  • Told in three parts, Patrick Carpenter’s “The Irregularity of the tearing” is a three part cine-diary on intimacy, sensuality and desire. Part one, “God is a Dog” (2004) is shot on Super 8 and confronts the film makers remembrances of chi…
  • Biology governs 20 percent of our lives; the remaining 80 percent is up to us. With this in mind, wellness expert John Spencer Ellis set out to create a life guide to help people realize their potential and achieve success. The Compass is the result. Tracing the journey of a character called the Traveler, the film prov…