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  • 电影生活
  • PALE STAR is about the possessiveness of love. About how that possession peels back to expose power and control until we can see, in its dark heart, not love but murder. The tragedies of two couples' lives collide against the dramatic black landscapes of southern Iceland. Solveig kills her husband in a fight about his …
  • 外星人刚来到地球,就在人类的战争中被埋在了地底。经过永不停息的战争后,人类毁灭,外星人终于得而走上地面……
  • In the early 1980's Haley Varsin took her son Charlie Varsin out to an abandoned campground called "Little Farm on the River" where she brutally murdered him with a screwdriver without reason. In the years following Haley was locked up and the town of Rising Sun turned the story of Charlie Varsin into a local…
  • 电影动作
    地球之所以有今天的和平与繁荣,全靠那些默默无闻的超级战队牺牲小我,权力对抗接二连三入侵的宇宙怪人。但是最近一批战队成员服役期满,于是有些不着调的司令官查尔斯(佐藤二朗 饰)出于根本没有说服力的理由找到了兢兢业业的建筑公司OL赤木直子(桐谷美玲 饰)、强势的服装店店员青田美佳(藤井美菜 饰)、为钱所困的贫乏女黄川田由里(高畑…
  • 影片讲述19世紀法国女画家贝尔特·莫里索 (Berthe Morisot)和印象派大师爱德华·马奈(Édouard Manet)在当时轰动一时,而且影响印象派的爱情故事。电影由曾经被提名2013年法国凯撒奖最佳摄影《神圣车行》(Holy Motors) 的女摄影师卡洛琳·尚普蒂耶 (Caroline Champetier)首部执导的处女作。
  • Two straight actors must rehearse for an impending gay love scene. How will they make out?