搜索 Judie

  • Joe Nighthawk used to serve in the San Francisco Police Department but got burned out by having to use lethal force one time too many. Now, the part-Indian lawman is working with the police in Arizona hunting small-time hoods and drug lords. That is, until he encounters two gentle people who have run afoul of a ruthles…
  • 电影
    才能出众的科学家史崔贝博士研究出一种新型杀伤力极强的瓦斯剂,却因此而遭到生性残暴的不法之徒葛洛克之威迫,并且绑架史崔贝之心爱的女儿丽莎,威胁史崔贝将该危险武器研发成功。乔凯斯这位黑带三段的功夫高手,为了维护正义,偕同少年忍者海洛一起深入虎内涉险搭救丽莎,破坏毒瓦斯计划,一场生死存已之浩劫终能幸免吗? 最终结局将会是怎样…