搜索 Jutta

  • Endres wants to be more than just a farmer's son. He wants to be able to read and write, wear clothes without holes and sleep in a proper bed. He goes to the court of the King, who is said to be the cleverest man in the land. Endres becomes his personal servant and every day after dinner brings him a mysterious golden …
  • Olga is a costume designer. Six weeks ago, she split up with Georg: film director, artist, dick head. Now they are both somewhere in Poland, trying to shoot a comedy. The script is awful, the producer has resigned, the sound man has run away, and now the lead actor wants to go. And, oh yes, Olga is pregnant. A film abo…
  • CHILDREN OF THE REVOLUTION tells the stories of Ulrike Meinhof and Fusako Shigenobu - two women who emerged from the student revolutions of 1968 to become the leading female revolutionaries of their time. Appalled by the killing in Vietnam, they set out to destroy capitalist power through world revolution, as leaders o…
  • 电影剧情
    本片讲述了一名孤独、叛逆的女子肖蓝,阴差阳错通过照顾一个患有渐冻人罕见病的少女诗洁,完成了自我救赎,灵魂重获新生的故事。   在一个特定环境中,她们彼此之间用爱互相温暖,互相成长。
  • 一名妓女兼小偷同一名西德女间谍穿行于1974年的法兰克福。时值狂欢节。与此同时,警察正在暴力清赶强占空楼的学生。克鲁格:“电影名字‘危急时中道致死’取自我们当时在被强占空楼的地下室墙上的一处涂鸦。”
  • A dramatization, blended with archival footage, of the loves and relocations of Brecht from the rise of Nazism in the 1930s to his death
  • 1978年8月,一个在东德的一个家庭,他带着他的孩子们去旅行,用了一只供人玩耍的枪抢劫了一架在德国西部的美国空军基地的波音飞机,并迫使飞机降落在西德,面对一个为追求自由而犯罪的人,法庭将怎样审判?
  • 电影恐怖
  • 电影剧情