搜索 Kadi

  • 电影剧情
  • Kadin sets out to face his fears after his sister Avery, mysteriously disappears two years ago from a birthday party near the Oregon National Forest. After suffering from depression, he decides to camp deep in the woods for one night to prove to himself that the world is not a dangerous place. Kadin soon finds out the …
  • 《晚安·科伦坡》是一部庆祝“中斯建交50周年”的贺礼影片,斯里兰卡总统将会在今年2月份两国的建交日来访中国,并邀中国领导人公同观看此片。因此,这部影片具有两国之间文化交流深远的含义。   某杂志社摄影记者韩青青与男友“北极熊”恋爱多年后发生了感情危机。因“北极熊”工作繁忙,两个人经常不能见面。甚至在“北极熊”生日那天,也无…
  • The Path Towards Uninterested Love:   On one of his trips through the nature reserve, the ranger Michailytsch found a young lynx whose mother was killed by a bear. He takes it with him to his log cabin and calls it Kunak, which means frien…
  • Constanze Ruhm’s essay film revolves around another film: Anna by Alberto Grifi and Massimo Sarchielli (Berlinale Forum 1975). In the early 1970s, the two Italian directors found Anna Azzori, a drifter who needed money and help, on the Pia…
  • 马丁在学校是个十足的捣蛋鬼。即便是会让某些人觉得不爽,比如说那个傲慢跋扈的凯文。但有一点是一致的,就是两个人都喜欢他们同校的玛尔塔。而且,校长永远都站在他这一边。剧情到这里,魔法猫登场了……
  • 从贝克特同名戏剧中汲取灵感,“绕树三匝,何枝可依”的城市漂流者。
  • 博戈Bogo(拉德克·凯姆饰)和雷胡Rychu(克日什托夫·普拉瓦特饰)是两个自小长大的好朋友,现在到了必须要处理青春期问题的时候了:如何与女孩进行第一次接触。当然,博戈与女孩相处有他自己的一套,但自信又自恃的他并不能得到女孩们真正的爱,而是成了开放女孩们游戏的对象。雷胡则从未有过女朋友,对爱情抱有幻想的他不太知道如何处理自己…
  • MohabbatKiArzoo