搜索 Kahrmann

  • 里奥·比绍夫是德国科隆著名的城堡饭店里的蛋糕师,明天饭店将迎来一批特殊的客人——俄罗斯能源部部长安东尼·索库洛夫一行,他此行的目的是参加德俄能源峰会。同行的还有索库洛夫的助理卡佳·克里姆娃夫人、负责安全事宜的托迪亚科夫等。比绍夫荣幸地被指派负责这些特殊人物的饭后甜点。但他却拒绝了,坚持从明天起休假3天,理由很简单,自从…
  • Life could be just great for bankrobber Keek: His buddy Kalle is doing time for their last coup, while Keek has to retain the loot. Kalle will spend two more years in jail, so Keek is not exactly bothered by the fact that he has lost most of the money betting on horse races. But then Kalle watches a porn video 'starrin…
  • A young student stands to inherent a fortune provided he can pass his first semester of college and find a steady girlfriend. His scheming stepfather has other plans for the money, however.