- 理查德·林克莱特新片已在前期筹备中!新作背景设置在1969年夏天,将以孩童视角切入,融入富有时代感的配乐,描述人类登月的那一历史性瞬间。林克莱特表示,“休斯顿曾拥有太多东西:NASA、医疗中心、阿斯托洛体育场。那里有种共同的氛围,所有孩子的父母都是为了共同目标为NASA工作。”目前林克莱特通过休斯顿电影委员会,对大众发出号召,寻求…
- Basically, Kafka’s Metamorphosis is unfilmable. After all, the author didn’t want visual representations to appear of the insect Gregor Samsa turned into; readers should visualise that themselves. This complicates things for the makers o…
- A plane drops an atomic bomb, after which the pilot is ordered into hiding by the command centre. They have even rented a piece of jungle for him, where he starts a micro-community. However, a power struggle ensues between his half-blind granddaughter Ruby, the insomniac bodyguard, the priest appointed as her guardian …
- On the day of his 40th birthday, Nikos, a solitary truck driver, arrives on a remote beach somewhere in the north of Greece. He is there to meet his former lover Christos, whom he hasn't seen since their military days.