搜索 Kal

  • 电影
  • 电影游戏
  • Ann Mariya, a jovial kid hires a goon, Gireesh due to an incident at school. Her kindness causes Gireesh to change his morals and they become great friends. Family problems and her desire to be no. 1 at long jump form the rest of the story.
  • 当他的女朋友被迫嫁给另一个男人时, 一个陷入困境的年轻外科医生开始自我毁灭。
  • James Gibson is an ex-con who has spent his life in and out of prison. One day, his life turns around when he settles down, meets the love of his life and has a child with her, but an unforeseeable tragedy strikes and his life is never the same.
  • 电影剧情
  • A portrait of workers in exile. An empathetic encounter with people who have lost their past and their future, locked in the recurring present. ZIAD KALTHOUM creates an essay documentary of Syrian construction workers building new skyscrapers in Beirut on the ruins caused by the Lebanese civil war. At the same time the…
  • Poshter Boyz is a humorous take on a key social issue where three ordinary individuals of completely different age-groups find themselves brought together in an unwanted situation that has a serious negative effect on their well-settled happily progressing life. It revolves around an incident of three ordinary people w…
  • 由三位城中炙手可熱的KOL擔任主持,專責K.O.社會上最惹人垢病的熱門話題。每集邀請不同領域的意見領袖及網上紅人現場互相質詢,剖析熱門話題來龍去脈,錯綜複雜的人物關係及恩怨情仇。