搜索 Kal

  • After Tom's and Jack's death, Becky and Jill continue their journey in the zombie apocalypse. Their goal is only to survive, until they see the mysterious signs for a sanctuary.
  • The feature "What Nobody Can See" is a psychological drama with elements of science fiction. The story is based on the relationship of the nurse Elsa with her patient Nicola who has fallen into deep coma after experimenting with creation of artificial intelligence. He has to go through a long and hard period …
  • Guru Ji is a social reformer who works to help people fight against social evils.
  • LBW is a movie discussing about different phases of love and life. Love is precious, how it works out and changes the minds of human beings is the basic story of the film.
  • Mr. Rudolpho's Jubilee is a romantic comedy with musical narration by Bright Blue Gorilla! It is the story of a world-famous Italian fashion designer who becomes disillusioned with his shallow life and decides to commit suicide during Berlin Fashion Week. Fortunately, his plan goes wrong and he's taken in by a group of…
  • 电影喜剧
  • 一個關於男人與BB的爆笑溫情喜劇!記者Antti的生活本來風平浪靜,準備與老婆Pia迎接小生命的來臨。直至BB出世後,老婆竟跳上的士一去不回﹐丟下一句「我都係唔適合做阿媽」,速逃湊B地獄。Antti人生自此起了翻天覆地的變化,一佬一B跌跌碰碰上了生命重要的一課。跟夜生活和豬朋狗友講再見吧,歡迎來到充滿嘔吐物、奶粉和天線得得B的世界!北歐…
  • Alexandra has struggled with verbal an physical abuse her whole life. She finally decides to take charge of her own life by setting off into the wilderness.
  • 电影生活