- 来自中国、法国、马来西亚的三名顶级大厨,用一个月的时间,环绕古丝绸之路,以各自不同的眼光和饮食文化积累,去欣赏、体验和制作源自那个古老神秘而欣欣向荣的土地上的各种美食,将西域风光与特色美味集合在一起,以世界的眼光去领略来自西域的独特风貌,去发掘、品尝和制作沿途的古老美食,让更多人去感受这条东西方文明融会贯通的重要古道所…
- A Cuban-American director travels to his exiled parents' homeland to mount a stage production of the musical, RENT, where he discovers an inspiring artistic family and embarks on a personal journey to reclaim his complicated heritage.
- Filmed on their own land, This Land is our Land! is a unique and multilayered visual cartography made by Brazilian Indigenous filmmakers Isael and Sueli Maxakali and their collaborators. Following Yãmīhex: The Women-Spirit (2019), a landmark in Brazilian Indigenous cinema, Isael and Sueli Maxakali have crafted another …