- 'If buildings could talk, what would they say about us?' Cathedrals of Culture offers six startling responses to this question. This 3D film project about the soul of buildings allows six iconic and very different buildings to speak for themselves, examining human life from the unblinking perspective of a manmade struc…
- A reality-based look at the vapid lives of several Mexican 20-somethings and their respective friends and/or hook-ups during their stay in Acapulco for a Summer vacation.
- Welcometoaworldravagedbyexplosionsofviolence,aworldwithoutlove.Jung,thebroken-heartedhero,pursueshisquest:reunitewithMaria,hislostlove,savagelydecapitatedbyLittleJesus.Hecancountonthesupportofalliesmetalonghisbloodypath,encountersthatprovideanunderstandingofothers,butespeciallyofhimself.Healsohastodealwithhis“violentou…
- 改编自Karen M. McManus的畅销小说,讲述五个学生一起被留堂,却只有四个人活着走出教室,预告中的画外音讲述者Simon死去了,另外四个人中有一个人引发了Simon的死,而“没有一个人是完全无辜的”。