搜索 Kassir

  • Donner Pass has a well-known and macabre history - the place where George Donner and his party got stuck in the winter of 1846 and were forced to resort to cannibalism to keep from starving. But what if it wasn't just history?
  • 一个邪恶的气象人员,故意制造了一连串气象异常引起的灾难,企图藉以毁灭大都会,我们美国的正义特遣队能拯救世界力挽狂澜吗?他们当然办得到,因为当我们最喜爱的漫画人物如闪电侠、绿巨人、原子能超人和火人出动时,只怕任谁也伤害不了大都会,这部电影绝对深受孩子和有童心的大人喜爱。
  • 电影剧情
  • 迷你乐一通
    The series, Tiny Toon Adventures is considered to be one of the best Looney Tunes spin-offs to date. The Tiny Toons are basically kid-versions of other historic Looney Tunes. Buster Bunny is pretty much the new version of Bugs Bunny. Babs Bunny is basically the new version of Lola Bunny. Dizzy is the new version of Taz…
  • 乐一通秀场第一季
    兔八哥(Bugs Bunny)和达菲鸭(Daffy)又回来了!他们的模样没有改变,但是生活环境却有了翻天覆地的变化--对喜欢搞破坏和搞恶作剧的他们来说,现代社会的广阔天地大有作为!兔八哥还像以前一样厚颜无耻,爱挖苦人,做事总想抢先一步。而达菲鸭还是那么自我陶醉,愤世嫉俗,痴心妄想。达菲鸭是兔八哥永远的朋友,或者说……永远赖在他家不走…