- Short Synopsis: A real estate agent finds himself trapped in a haunted house with a mysterious squatter and must learn to conquer his fear to [email protected]
- Frankie is in her forties, ambitious and successful. She works in the aerospace industry at Filton, designing surveillance drones for the military. Shes never married, and is completely in control of every part of her life. Her closest relationship is with her father, who worked as an engineer on Concorde. But her life…
- 根据斯坦尼斯Rembeka小说改编。第二次世界大战期间,在波兰一个小镇警察弗朗西斯卡·克洛萨认为,老老实实做自己的工作,才能够在战争环境中生存,与纳粹与合作,他不仅抓罪犯,还查获地下抵抗组织和隐藏的犹太人。不过,他有时又觉得受到良心谴责,只好用伏特加麻醉自己 ,家人对他的劝告毫无作用。