搜索 Kauppi

  • When Greipr, a young alcoholic is released from his rehabilitation he enter the world with a newly lit optimism. During rehab he met Lea, a single mother who is currently in a conflict with the social services regarding the custody of her daughter. Greipr tries to help Lea, together they start dreaming of a better life…
  • 描述毒販米娜如何求生存。她從地方老大那裡騙來一筆錢,隨即遭到追殺,她逃到了毒蟲盜匪之徒非法聚集的拖車公園,仇家也緊追災後,引發一連串驚險的不幸事件。本片精彩描繪出女性如何在社會邊緣求生存。
  • 小说改编的电视电影,讲述主角回家报告俄国人会烧掉他送上他的房子,赶来的芬兰人却将他送上法庭