搜索 Kayvan

  • Kamran is a 12 year old boy in the present day who discovers that his ancestor is the 11th Century Mathematician, Astronomer, Poet of Persia, Omar Khayyam. The story has been passed down in his family from one generation to another, and now it is his responsibility to keep the story alive for future generations. The fi…
  • 电影喜剧
    四个生活在英国的穆斯林青年:奥马尔(Riz Ahmed 饰)、白人巴里(Nigel Lindsay 饰)、瓦伊以及费萨尔正在用一只玩具枪做道具拍摄圣战视频,献身圣战是他们狂热的梦想。奥马尔厌倦了巴里那吃电话卡避免被追踪的无厘头理论,与瓦伊远赴巴基斯坦的穆斯林游击战士训练营学习,奥马尔和瓦伊的苦逼训练生活很快因为误打战友而终止了;留在英国的巴里…
  • Facejacker
    Facejacker follows the similar show Fonejacker. Kayvan Novak adopts various disguises (with the aid of prosthetics), including several characters heard in Fonejacker.
  • 恶作剧电话
    《恶作剧电话》是一部超级爆笑的英国喜剧,荣获英国电影和电视艺术学院最佳喜剧大奖。本剧讲述了打恶作剧电话者欺骗和迷惑公众的搞笑故事。Fonejacker is a BAFTA award-winning British comedy programme broadcast on Channel 4 featuring a series of prank calls.Comedy series in which t…
  • 大英贱闻录第一季
    Full English is a British animated sitcom that airs on Channel 4 that was created by the creators of The Simpsons Movie.[1] The show is in the traditional animated sitcom family format[2] and parodies various popular entertainment personalities in the United Kingdom.
  • 电视剧剧情
    该剧为剧情喜剧片, 由布莱恩.柯勒特的小说《血,汗,茶》改编而成, 讲述了在急救前线服务的急救员的故事. 该剧以Stuart,Ashley和Richid组成的急救小组为主线, 这个厌世的急救小组不得不面对社会中的各种不堪, 同时还不得不面对自己的各种不足, 克服重重的心理障碍. Stuart和女警官Maxine Fox的关系会如何发展? Richid和女友Sarah能否…
  • 冒牌喵星人第一季
  • 电影
  • 动漫