A musical drama set in small-town Iowa, SAINTS REST tells the story of two estranged sisters, who over the course of one summer, form a connection through their shared love of music, as they grieve the recent death of their mother.
10歲的亞曼達很想養狗,父親卻不允許。某天她發現一隻小狐狸,於是和好友瑪姬決定偷偷將牠當作寵物飼養,卻不知道麻煩即將到來… Ten year old Amanda desperately wants a dog but her Dad won't have it. When she finds a young fox, she and her friend Maggie conspire to keep it a…
In the wake of Eamon Cunningham’s death, the Kinsella family is thriving. However a new threat rears its head when members of a Turkish cartel inform the Kinsellas that Eamon owed a them sizable debt – and since they killed him, the debt i…