- One day’s wedding, murder, and funeral bring a family divided by status together when the intertwined characters allow compassion, unconditional love and blood bonds to guide them to a future of their own choosing. based loosely on true ev…
- 一名17岁的少女在她计划自杀的当晚被绑架,她必须为活下去而战斗。她设法说服袭击者放过她,在经过26小时后等来了生机。但当她回家时,除了一名怀疑凶手为连环杀手的侦探外,没有人相信她的故事。 影片改编自可怕的真实事件。 ©豆瓣
- The Electric Mayhem Band as they go on an epic musical journey to finally record their first studio album. Singh will play the (human) lead role of Nora, a driven junior A&R executive tasked with managing and wrangling the mayhem that is The Electric Mayhem Band. With the help of Nora, the old-school Muppet band co…