搜索 Kinsella

  • 九歲就進芭蕾學校的歐姍娜,一心想成為芭蕾女伶,同時報答媽媽苦心栽培她跳舞,遠離貧窮的夢想。為了跳出曼妙的舞姿,多年來永無止境的練習、嚴格的體重控制,以及犧牲與同年齡的孩子應有的自由,是芭蕾少女必經的犧牲之路。伴隨著許多挫敗、淚水、孤單,唯有不停自我激勵、要求,才能持續下去…。
  • While transporting a unique female species from the Pleistocene Age, a.k.a. Ice Age, a military convoy is attacked and the sample is abducted. The creature called "Ice Queen" should be conserved in cryogenic state, otherwise she would wake-up very aggressively, but the apparatus in the plane where Dr. Goddard…
  • 电影剧情
  • 讲述了一对丧子的父母通过购买自由组装箱从而得到了一份特殊的儿子的替代品的故事。爱尔兰导演兼特效师Ray Sullivan创作此片的灵感来源于Gar Shanley & Cathal Duggan的连环画系列
  • 恐怖边缘
    Charles is a meek inventor living with his greedy nagging wife Rose. The mail brings them a misdirected box saying "Do Not Open This Box". Then the postman comes looking for it and says there will be Hell to pay if he doesn't get it back.
  • 圣彼得堡,俄罗斯。一个专门从事青少年晚期堕胎的诊所。年轻女孩们从后门进去,有时由妈妈或朋友陪着。但她们所有人都必须得独自经历这个过程。本片近距离并且中立地揭露了堕胎的真实情况,描述了在这个俄罗斯司空见惯的过程中纠结的抉择难题、道德责难、罪与赎的矛盾以及生离死别。
  • An epic struggle between wise powerful wizard Zorak along with his mighty sidekick Zeist (played by the most underrated magnificent actor Robert Z'dar) who want to make the world a better place, and on the other side four evil and pretty dumb children who are way too young to kill but they do it fiercly commanded by a …