搜索 Kirk

  • 二次大战后,一队英军与大军失散,正设法逃离德军魔掌,途中又遇上几个受困的美军女兵,一起在缺乏物资、环境恶劣、强敌环伺的沙漠中突破重围……
  • Two strongmen set out to hunt down a murderous sea monster. Their ship is wrecked and they end up in the Holy Land where Hercules is assumed to be Samson who is a wanted man. The two team up to survive.
  • 一名叫做塔拉的女子被判死刑,因为塔拉杀害了许多的小孩子。大家都称塔拉是一个可怕的女巫,而此刻塔拉正准备被执行电刑。 不过塔拉却不因此而害怕,反而是等得不耐烦。在被执行电刑之前,塔拉打开了日记本,向各位讲述了三段可怕的故事……
  • In response to the march of the German army across Europe, thousands of young British men were sent to the front lines to push them back into Germany and it was believed that they would never be able to penetrate the British lines. However this signalled the beginning of the Blitzkrieg, and the German forces invaded Ho…
  • 在以色列特拉维夫市中心,有一所特殊的学校,这里有48个国家、不同背景的孩子一起学习,他们有的是因为贫穷、有的是因为政治逆境、还有的是因为种族灭绝而逃到这里,在这里没有孩子是陌生人。
  • 再度迷失在曼恰的Terry Gilliam掉转枪头拍起了广告片——把一部名为The Legend of Talladega的短片压缩成三十秒的百事广告   广告的主人公David Arquette是一名纳斯卡赛车超级粉丝,平日里靠着百事生命之血来维持人体所需能量   据传短片很可能会做成伪纪录片的形式,并且涉鬼~ 够三俗的吧   还记得上一部Gilliam广告吗?   …
  • Health care reform was the first big policy deal taken on by the Obama administration. Many say the young president has bet the mid-term elections, possibly his presidency, on the outcome. In a new investigation FRONTLINE goes behind closed doors at the White House, in Congress and the boardrooms of the giant health-ca…