搜索 Rassimov

  • 二次大战后,一队英军与大军失散,正设法逃离德军魔掌,途中又遇上几个受困的美军女兵,一起在缺乏物资、环境恶劣、强敌环伺的沙漠中突破重围……
  • 斯大林的逝世和葬礼。Tronfio e retorico come si addice ad un film di propaganda politica quale questo è, "Il grande addio", realizzato da alcuni ottimi registi sovietici su impulso delr egime, offre alcuni spunti di riflessione. Il pri…
  • This film is in a league of it's own: I won't bother to re-state what every other person has already posted regarding the plot. Needless to say it makes no sense what-so-ever in the big scheme of things, but there is plenty of violence and preposterous characters such as the "Crystal Skull" liven things up no…
  • The great Ivan Rassimov plays an undercover cop who falls somewhere between a heavy-handed "Dirty Harry"-type rogue and a flat-out corrupt bastard--and by the end he has pretty obliterated the line between the two (if nothing else making this film a lot more honest than the American-style vigilante cop movies…
  • 电影
  • A photographer accidentally kills a man in self-defense and while retreating into the jungles of an Asian country, is captured by a native tribe who hold him captive, force him into slave labor, and eventually accept him when he marries the chief's daughter. Throughout the whole film, I never felt this was a horror fil…
  • 三男一女驾机误降原始丛林遭遇不恻,男主角被捕入山洞,衣服被粗暴撕碎,亲眼目睹土著野人残酷猎杀烤食活鳄。因帮逃离,女主角(野人)被割杀开膛烤食,众多男女全裸出镜,本片宣称亲历再现。明知是电影,还是足够惊心
  • 电影冒险