- Julian inherits a house in West Philadelphia from his grandmother and asks his girlfriend Gwen to move in, although she turns out to be just the first member of the commune that sets up home with him within its brightly coloured walls. Together with the founding couple, the seven-strong collective are soon reciting Afr…
- SARIA is the tale of two inseparable orphaned sisters, Saria and Ximena, as they fight against daily abuse and unimaginable hardship at Virgen de la asuncion Safe home in Guatemala. Our story follows the events leading up to the tragic fire in 2017 that claimed the lives of 41 orphaned girls. SARIA is premiering at the…
- 每一部经典的两性文本都值得一次性转版的书写,更何况是《驯悍记》这样“三观可疑”的代表!在皇家莎士比亚剧团2019年全新制作的这一版中,1590年的英格兰变成了由女性掌控的世界,米诺拉正准备将她的儿子凯瑟琳卖给出价最高的人,彼特鲁乔带着婚约出现了。一场关乎性别与权力的斗争即将展开,这次还会是对女性的冒犯吗?此版导演贾斯汀·奥迪伯…