搜索 Kley

  • Andy French is an aspiring cartoonist who has trouble holding a job or a girlfriend even while he rooms with two other eccentric roommates in an apartment in the Mission Hill area of the city of Cosmopolis. The fact that he has to house his obnoxiously precocious younger brother, Kevin, is no help. However, this quarte…
  • A high school student named Brett Bumpers (Michael Weston) receives a mysterious package one day. He does not know who gave it to him, but after a while he finds out that the totem within the package can give him 3 wishes. When the most beautiful girl in school, Samantha, (Alexandra Holden) invites him to dance on the …
  • 女演员莫尼卡和她的男友艾德维以及另外六个好朋友前往山上的小木屋渡周末。在路上,他们顺路带上了艾德维的堂弟特洛伊。莫尼卡的经纪人也不请自来,希望能够说服莫尼卡续约。暴风雨来临后,突然发生了奇怪的谋杀事件,艾德维的堂弟被怀疑是嫌疑人。只有艾德维声称特洛伊是无辜的。越来越多的人被杀,真的是特洛伊乾的吗?还是经纪人、艾德维、还…
  • With divorce on the horizon, a couple are about to find out that a lunch meeting with the wife's attorney is about to get very gruesome.
  • 格瑞斯是典型的现代职业女性,她有出众的外表和出色的工作能力,同时也有些孤独和偶尔的心理困扰。一次与前男友的意外邂逅,使她突然有了孕育孩子的想法。但现实中并没能遇上如意郎君,格瑞斯最终决定以人工受精的方式完成自己的心愿。经过一番精心的挑选,格瑞斯在冷藏基因库里选中了247号作为自己孩子的父亲。   怀孕之后的格瑞斯,忽然对素…
  • 电影恐怖
    故事发生在1968年的瓦列霍,一宗离奇而又残暴的凶杀案让当地的居民和媒体陷入了恐慌之中,马特(贾斯汀·钱伯斯 Justin Chambers 饰)是负责调查此案的警官,尽管他一直在努力的追寻着种种蛛丝马迹,但依旧理不出头绪,来自上级和家庭的压力让马特渐渐感到有些力不从心。六个月过去了,还未落网的凶手再度出动,一对情侣成为了他的刀下冤魂,嚣…
  • 电影剧情