- This documentary explores how enmeshed Hitler was with the Wagner clan and examines the ties between political power and culture. The programme features as yet unpublished documents, film sequences and photographs as well as contemporary accounts which are melded into a fascinating portrait of Hitler's Bayreuth, puttin…
- "The world collapses and we can not stop its collapse." This sentence writes a Berliner early 1945 in her diary. The war, the Nazis unleashed in 1939, has long been lost, but Adolf Hitler leads his people undeterred into ruin.
- 1943年5月,英美华盛顿会议决定于1944年5月在欧洲大陆实施登陆,开辟第二战场。盟军最高参谋部立即开始制定登陆计划。根据历次登陆作战的经验教训,有三处地区较为合适登陆:康坦丁半岛、加莱和诺曼底。几经权衡比较,最高参谋部选择了诺曼底,并于1943年6月26日起制定具体计划,以“霸王”作为作战方案的代号。