- ERES is a poetic and tangible documentary film that follows four children as they experience the natural cycle of life on a farm. Each child lives on a remote farm in the southwest of The Netherlands and is learning the profession of their ancestors from a young age. They dream that one day they will take over the farm…
- 2014年、日本製作のオリジナルビデオ。被害総額3000億円を越えるともいわれる詐欺事件の背後には、1人の黒幕の影があった。日本経済界に暗躍する魑魅魍魎を操る、黒幕(ルビ:フィクサー)の正体とは? 白竜主演によるクライム・サスペンス。趙優大(白竜)は、戦後間もない闇市で愚連隊として暴れまわった。いくつものヤクザ組織と渡り合い、や…
- On the novel of the same name by Dmitry Nagishkin.About the final stage of the struggle for Soviet power in the Far East, about the revolutionary youth of those heroic years.Vladivostok, 1922. The underground organized an escape of comrades arrested by counterintelligence. Among the organizers are Komsomol member Vital…