搜索 Pereverzev

  • On the novel of the same name by Dmitry Nagishkin.About the final stage of the struggle for Soviet power in the Far East, about the revolutionary youth of those heroic years.Vladivostok, 1922. The underground organized an escape of comrades arrested by counterintelligence. Among the organizers are Komsomol member Vital…
  • 影片描写了十八世纪俄国杰出的军事天才、海军统帅乌沙科夫,以其卓越的战略战术,率领英勇的俄国水兵彻底消灭了土耳其在黑海沿岸的侵略势力,使原属俄国的黑海回到祖国怀抱。影片还展示了乌沙科夫海军事业中最光辉的一页——远征地中海的伟大战绩,他配合苏沃洛夫沉重地打击了拿破仑,在取得胜利的过程中还有力地粉碎了英国反动集团的阴谋,充分…
  • 描写天真而纯洁的儿童为了追求幸福,用善良和勇敢粉碎了魔鬼,消灭了暗藏的敌人,取得了幸福生活,并且把幸福的种子散布到全世界使全世界得到幸福。
  • This tale of an aborted Mars expedition features spectacular "spacescapes", as well as a prescient depiction of the Earth's orbit as cluttered by manmade satellites. Sound familiar? Francis Ford Coppola liberally borrowed footage from this Russian Sci-Fi film for his 1963 directorial debut, the Roger Corman p…
  • 该片摄制于1989年,前苏联正处于新旧意识交替阶段,社会发展处于十字路口,尤其是个体合作社蓬勃兴起,影片多次展现街上各种各样,千姿态百态的“合作社”面貌,而影片主人公吉马正是在这种氛围下提出开办“私人侦探社”的申请,从市议员不批准到批准,我们似乎看到了“官僚”机构的塑影,如果说影片对这一场景的处理采用了漫画式的手法,那么当…