搜索 Kolbyshyov

  • 白俄羅斯,由異族的佔領與蹂躪編織歷史的土地,獨立之後該如何書寫歷史以及戰火下人民的面容,成為另一項政治操弄的課題。《神秘的佔領》是第一部白俄羅斯獨立影片,卻因政治不正確性受到當地政府禁演。以二次大戰德國入侵為背景,「亞當與夏娃」、「母親」、「父親」三個章節描寫游擊隊、 莫斯科政權和德軍凍結的寒冬中受壓抑的人心,失去兒子…
  • Nikolai Kazantsev arrives at the mysterious estate of Count Vladimir Pazurkevich, a young man who intends to study fine arts in Italy, but, having no funds, takes a risk on an adventure. Posing as a professor, Kazantsev tries to convincingly pretend that he is studying the count’s extensive library, while at the same t…