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  • http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/Awb5dvWg-V0/   泰王蒲眉蓬的长女乌汶叻公主亲自担任制作与主演的电影《心的奇迹》,一公映便广受关注,票房超2852万泰币,列9月泰国电影票房排行第3名。接受媒体访问时,乌汶叻殿下表示拍戏时最大的挑战是哭戏,她说:“我现在不容易落泪,因为自从丧失儿子后,我一直压抑情绪,尽量勇敢,渐渐就很难释放…
  • 本片改编自乔治·西默农的小说《月亮的一击》,讲述一个法国青年在非洲遇上一个美丽而淫荡的女子,并与其陷入疯狂的爱欲中,但不久后他发现自己被卷入一桩凶杀案件中。
  • It is the 15th c. in Hungary. And young prince Gaspar (Laszlo Galffy) was sent off to Italy when he was just two years old, and now he has come back to his father's castle as a grown man, with a troupe of actors in tow. Once arrived at the castle, he discovers his mother is in a kind of trance state, reportedly drinkin…
  • ILLUSION is a film about people, their wishes, fears, hopes and longings. A glance behind the facade of daily routine. A visually stunning cycle between reality and illusion, a carousel of emotions with thrilling twists. Eight people that cannot be more different meet in a BAR. For one night they escape their everyday …
  • 库特(Ferenc Kálmán 饰)是一位以嘲讽时事见长、立场鲜明的出版家,以其风花雪月的言情小说和煽情的戏剧舞码而成为文坛最受欢迎的大作家之一。然而,他的作品却被当时的卫道之士视为伤风败俗之辈。在一个夏季初绽的时刻,库特临时决定暂别眼前的纷扰,与女友蒂亚一同前往瑞典度假,选择落脚在瓦柏男爵的"格里荷"城堡。这座城堡…
  • How important is the truth when falling in love? Bella is a Manhattan café waitress, about to turn 35, stuck in a long-term affair going nowhere. Paul is a widower, facing old age alone. Bella's mother sets her up with Bruno, a novelist/ca…
  • 贾伊、拉瓦和库萨是三胞胎,但个性迥异。拉瓦是好心的放贷银行经理,库萨善良而狡猾,贾伊则是最危险的坏蛋。故事讲述了三兄弟的传奇……
  • 电视剧剧情
  • 电影
    Biennale College Cinema A lonely journeyman working with a traveling circus who attempts to tame a python in the hopes that it will bring him closer to the family running the show.