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  • 巴特雅(莎拉·埃德勒 Sarah Adler 饰)是一名婚礼喜宴服务员,然而她的生活却非常孤单乏味,父母不常联系,男友也离他而去。一天,巴特雅在海边碰见一个满脸雀斑的小女孩,只穿这一条小泳裤,套着一只游泳圈。巴特雅以为她迷路了,将她带到警察局,小女孩却一句话也不说。巴特雅只好把这个神秘的小女孩带回家里照顾,渐渐地,她和不说话的小女…
  • Pimps, hockers and their stories in NYC hells kitchen...
  • 故事讲述的是一个女人布丽奇特的故事,她曾经做过妓女,但自从遇见了她丈夫后,她的生活一切都变了,她有了儿子,但一次事件中,她的丈夫死了,她的生活从此颠覆了,她的儿子被人给带走了,但领养她儿子的要她拿一百尤才能得回她的儿子,她使用一切办法,包括跟一个智力迟缓的男人皮特R结婚,但当她的生活趋于平静时,风波又起来了...
  • 在多年等待之后,年迈的士兵Tasuma希望领到他参与中南半岛与阿尔及利亚战役的退休抚恤金。为急于帮助村中妇女,Tasuma以賖帐的方式买了一座磨坊,他受到了英雄式的对待,然而,许诺的退休抚恤金却从未到来......
  • 电影
    Though several actors portray Elvis Presley at different stages of his life, this documentary is comprised mostly of actual performance footage and interviews with Elvis, his fans and those close to him. His arrival on the national scene ,in 1956, is highlighted by clips from "Stage Show", "The Milton Be…
  • For three days in 1971, former US soldiers who were in Vietnam testify in Detroit about their war experiences. Nearly 30 speak, describing atrocities personally committed or witnessed, telling of inaccurate body counts, and recounting the process of destroying a village. The atrocities are casual, seem routine, and are…
  • 韩国达人秀