搜索 Koll

  • 米莫已经是42岁的中年人了,但他的智力仅停滞在十岁左右,他还在上小学,和同学们和睦相处,他们一起玩耍、调皮。米莫生活在无忧无虑之中,他对父母总是说自己要长大,但他总也长不大,这令父母非常担忧,四处为米莫寻找治疗的方法。这天,父母带着米莫找到了心理学教授,教授对米莫进行了测试,得出的结论是米莫患的是“彼得•潘综合症”,要想…
  • 【雙面天才】(Genius)是迪士尼所製作的一部TV電影,於1999年於美國的迪士尼頻道首度播出。本片故事敘述有一位天才少年 Charlie Boyle,小小年紀就因為天資聰穎,獲准保送到大學去就讀,他因此開始他新鮮人的生活,然而畢竟跟其他人不同,一開始日子過的有點尷尬,尤其指導他的 Krickstein 博士雖然為人和藹熱心,但在學校地位並不高;何…
  • A New York hooker tries to keep her daughter out of the clutches of the mobsters she works for.
  • LL a film by Amos Kollek.LL, a young Princeton graduate living in NYC, is in a deep identity crisis. She just lost the woman who raised her, but does not really know who either of her parents were. She receives a call from JJ, a mysterious man who claims to be her father. He lives in a shabby transients hotel. LL has n…
  • 24 year old Queenie prefers the slums of the East Village in Manhattan to her parents multi-million dollar estate in Westchester. A wacky character who plays pranks on everyone, Queenie works as a social worker with kids while unsuccessfully pursuing an acting career in New York. Horace is a middle-aged ex-cop who live…