- 全国各地にある有名な都市伝説を取材し、真相を検証するホラーシリーズ第5弾。「四谷怪談」を扱った映画のワンシーンに、顔が腫れた女性のような姿が映っていた。主演女優と連絡が取れなくなっていると聞き、取材班はその女優の家へ向かうが…。
- Black docu-comedy from the largest pawn shop in Poland. Times are tough, bankruptcy looms, but then the two choleric proprietors get a bright idea. A hilarious, heartwarming film. The humour is pitch-black and the cast a true pack of characters. You can find everything your heart desires in second-hand toasters and DVD…
- The film delves deeper into the realm of fear, thrills and cruelty. “Oh, the horror!” is probably what a group of smartphone-addicted teenagers think when they are sent to an “offline camp”. Instead of browsing and scrolling, they walk aro…
- CoryMathis(LesStroud),arespectedcollegeprofessor,claimsamythicalforestcreaturekilledhiswifetransforminghimintoamanhauntedbyobsessionandrevenge.HepartnersupwithlegendaryBigFoothunterFranAndersen(StacyBrownJr.)whoisouttocollecttheNatGeo10milliondollarbountyforcaptureofthecreature.Unfortunately,by-the-bookforestranger,Bil…