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  • 本片改编自乔治·西默农的小说《月亮的一击》,讲述一个法国青年在非洲遇上一个美丽而淫荡的女子,并与其陷入疯狂的爱欲中,但不久后他发现自己被卷入一桩凶杀案件中。
  • 二战末期,海军士兵布雷默休假归队途中邂逅了在汉堡粮食局餐厅工作的布绿克太太。一场空袭让两个陌生人走到了一起,布雷默当了逃兵,躲藏在布绿克太太家中,开始了一段充斥着隐秘激情的时光。然而战争突然结束。布绿克太太为了留住比她年轻得多的布雷默,对他暂时封锁了战争结束的消息。可停战的蛛丝马迹却不断地显露出来,布雷默被困于室,越来…
  • 片名:灵异案件 Medium编导:亚采克·科普罗维奇 Jacek Koprowicz主演:瓦迪斯瓦夫·科瓦尔斯基 Władysław Kowalski米哈乌·巴约尔 Michał Bajor格拉日娜·沙波沃夫斯卡 Grażyna Szapołowska耶日·斯图尔 Jerzy Stuhr耶日·泽尔尼克 Jerzy Zelnik埃娃·达乌科夫斯卡 Ewa Dałkowska耶日·诺瓦克 Jerzy Nowak…
  • American writer Jack arrives in port Hel. When it comes to the brutal murder, to become one of the suspects. The truth proves to be tricky, and innocent fun turns into a dangerous game.
  • The legend of Jack The Ripper comes to real when one of his descendants revive him.
  • Lene, a young student, is standing at the train station. She has to make up her mind whether to take the train back to Berlin (where she lives) or the one to the Bavarian countryside where her family resides (and from where she left in anger many years ago): Finally, she takes the train to her family. Hierankl is the n…
  • In this gritty story based on real events, a drug dealer on Long Island finds himself over his head when one of his soldiers robs a connection to ruthless Serbian gangsters. When the debt falls on his shoulders he is forced to take drastic measures.
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