- 办公室一场火灾后,人们发现了一具已经烧成炭的女式。很快人们就发现她是死于非命,她被塑料袋罩住并被浇上汽油,就这样被火焰活活烧死。继而又有两起同样作案手段的命案发生,哥特兰警方确信这是一宗连环杀人案。但是关于被害者之间的关联,谁会是下一个被害者,警方毫无头绪。玛利亚·韦恩负责这起命案,她对于凶手的作案动机与被害人的关系也…
- The powerful true story behind the most popular Christmas carol of all time. In 1818, when Joseph Mohr is assigned to be the new assistant priest in Oberndorf, a small Austrian town near Salzburg, the young man is full of ideas and ideals. His passion to bring the church closer to the common people sets him on a collis…