搜索 PerryDizon

  • 1972年在菲律宾的一个偏远乡村发生了许多神秘事件。森林里传来哭泣声、母牛被砍死、在田间发现流血死去的男人、许多房屋被烧毁。军事行动越来越普遍,残忍的民兵统治着乡村。费迪南德·E·马科斯宣布1081号公告命令,实行全国戒严。
  • A majestic film in which two stories easily fit. One about a filmmaker who is a little like Diaz himself and wrestles with the completion of his film and with greedy film festival programmers. And one about a religious leader. Also a little like Diaz himself?   The films of Lav Diaz often tell serious epic stories, but…