- 本片由迪士尼电视动画部门所制作,由【美女与野兽】明星所主演短篇故事串联而成,故事则是发生在Belle在魔堡中与野兽相处的那段时间,其实本片在1998年首度推出时,片名只有【Belle's Magical World】,而且只有三个段落;到了2003年推出特别版时,英文片名才改为【Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World…
- Anna is a teenage girl beset with mental problems. Her parents have shuffled her in-and-out of various institutions with little improvement on her condition, and do not seem concerned with her problem. Blanche is the dedicated Swiss psychiatrist who successfully delves into Anna's past and accurately identifies her mal…