- A pedophile is released out of prison from a 6-year sentence after allegedly molesting a 12-year old girl. The victim, now 18, reunites with her assailant whom she calls her "soul mate" only to spark outrage in the community. Not only do they attack the Pedophile, but soon cause more harm and chaos to the gir…
- 脱衣舞女切丽(罗丝·迈格温饰)边跳钢管舞边流泪,她厌倦并想着逃离这样的生活,一切烂透了。另一边,附近军事基地在研发一种药物的过程中发生事故,病毒气体弥漫出来,附近周围的人们变成了僵尸,而切丽那赖以为生、修长惹火的右腿也被僵尸扯了下来。还好,她身边还有男友雷(弗莱迪·罗瑞格兹饰)的存在。 医院被血洗,警察们无力阻挡僵尸的…