- Mary Summers does not want to stay alone at home when her husband Arthur goes away on business. She asks that her family be allowed to stay with her. Arthur refuses her request. While Arthur is away an escaped mental patient breaks into the house. Surprisingly, the mental patient gets along with Mary. She is not afraid…
- Joanna Lumley, Katie Ryder-Richardson, Susan Hampshire, Donald Sinden, Robert Hardy and Patrick Macnee star in this wonderful drama set in the new found peace of the late 1940`s and early 1950`s. First introduced in Coming House, the best selling book by Rosamunde Pilcher, Nancherrow is the ancestral home of the charis…
- 戴夫是个很有事业心的律师,他一心寻求合作伙伴.这时,有个很好的机会摆在面前,一个公司让他负责一个大案子.他欣然接受.没多久,戴夫发现,他之所以得到这个机会是因为客户认为他是同性恋.可为什么要让真相毁了这千载难封的好机会呢? 艺术开始了自己的混乱生活.变成了一个职场上的同性恋,生活中的异性恋~~~~
- 艾尔伯特•斯毕卡(Michael Gambon 饰)及其爪牙敲诈勒索,无恶不作。到了晚上他便会带着妻子和徒众来到其所拥有的餐厅用餐,在这里艾尔伯特依然处于中心地位,他高谈阔论、粗俗无理,蛮横地统治者身边的一切。妻子乔治娜(Helen Mirren 饰)对这个性无能却凶残暴力的丈夫敢怒不敢言,只得小心应付。然而几次晚宴过后,乔治娜却被旁边桌上一个举…