搜索 Lano

  • 电影生活
  • 电影战争
    在第二次世界大战期间,一名逃离日本部队围剿的美国士兵流落到当地土著部落,后来成为这个土著部落的领袖。 当日本部队杀戮到这里的时候,看到自己的族人被日本人残杀,通过英国突击队的帮助下与日本部队展开复仇战争的故事。
  • The saga of some Copacabana dwellers: Sônia Silk, a prostitute (aka Miss Prado); Júnior and Peroxide Beast; her gay brother, addicted to smelling his boss's underwear; and Mr. Grillo, the boss. The boss has impregnated Sonia's sister. Soni…
  • Najnowszy autorski film, cieszącego się wśród publiczności ogromną sympatią i uznaniem, Jana Jakuba Kolskiego. Twórca "Historii kina w Popielawach" i entuzjastycznie przyjętego przez widzów "Jasminum" przedstawia opo…
  • In the middle of a military dictatorship, a man voyages across a devastated and war-torn city to play the tuba with his orchestra.
  • The simple life and the values of loyalty and solidarity of the poor people in the environment of professional boxing, is the plot of this film, where Pepe el Toro shows the effort and tragedies that are experienced in this profession.
  • The Sardinian shepherd Giacinto Fronteddu, witness of a kidnapping, is murdered by criminals for fear that he is speaking.
  • 少年巴特偶然发现了濒临绝种的蒙古野马,并与其中的头马冰羽灵产生了友情。英国威尔士自然保护区教授詹姆斯闻讯后偕同助手彼德、孙女吉蒂来到内蒙送马,在巴特父亲基利(牧场主)陪同下,他们选中了冰羽灵,并把冰羽灵带回英国驯养。巴特眼看和自己朝夕相处的冰羽灵离去,热泪盈眶......