搜索 Larrea

  • Inspector Duff of Scotland Yard is called upon to investigate a murder amongst a group of tourists on an around-the-world cruise. Duff joins the cruise and learns certain facts about each of the suspects, but is himself shot. His friend, the famed Honolulu police detective Charlie Chan, comes aboard the vessel to take …
  • 电影喜剧
    身在澳门的潘义铭 (吴镇宇 饰) 意外收到一份30年未见面的父亲的遗嘱,父亲留给他一笔巨额遗产,要求潘义铭参加葬礼才能继承。他遵守遗嘱回到了出生的中国南方小城。在这里,有他曾经的恋人林悦 (任素汐 饰) 、表面老实巴交的情敌华琪(李康生 饰) 、素未谋面的女儿木子 (乌兰托雅 饰) ,以及一些残留的记忆和错综交织的秘密与阴谋。
  • Gustavo reminisces about his childhood and his relationship with his mother, the inspiration behind his weekend trips to San Francisco, where he lives as his alter ego, Donna.
  • A young photographer is in a estrange land in the south of Mexico, making adocumentary project for German people. This photographer will face with ...
  • While conducting experiments on a quiet night, a scientist receives an unexpected visitor - whose arrival will change everything
  • An aspiring filmmaker Neto makes his money shooting celebrations of different kinds. But his hobby is to shoot people that he sees on the street every day. One day while wandering around the street he chances upon a beautiful young girl named Cori. She window shops attentively, and soon Neto will get a chance to see wh…
  • 人过中年的牙科医生维洛妮卡(María Onetto 玛丽娅·奥内托 饰)事业有成,衣食无忧,过着轻松自在的中产阶级生活。某天,她在驱车返家途中撞到不明物体。汽车没有停下,而是径直开走。但在接下来的日子里,维洛妮卡不断遭受良心的谴责,她试图让别人和自己相信那天桌在汽车上的是一只狗。随着时间推移,维洛妮卡再也无法承受巨大的压力,将这…
  • 为了拯救儿子的性命,安娜踏上了前往墨西哥沉默区的旅程,只为了一块拥有强大神祕力量的石头。然而,安那并不是唯一知道石头祕密的人,其他势力将不惜为此大开杀戒……