- Actor and former White House Associate Director of Public Engagement, Kal Penn, takes viewers around the world to meet key players behind some of the more serious and bizarre movements in today's economy.
- Carl Martin is a morose and deranged Los Angeles gardener, who,in retribution for the infidelity of his unfaithful wife, sets about to kill as many blonde's as he can. From the time the film opens, to the sound of a radio turned up full-blast over the still-warm corpse of a blonde, the audience knows the identity of th…
- 手段无情冷酷的正义使者惩罚者卡斯尔(布莱恩·布鲁姆 Brian Bloom 配音)在追查军火贩子该隐(Kyle Hebert 配音)时遇到了黑寡妇(詹妮弗·卡朋特 Jennifer Carpenter 配音)和神盾局指挥官弗瑞(John Eric Bentley 配音)。神盾局志在防止他们所开发的尖端武器技术被利维坦等恐组织获取,因此急需沿着该隐这条线找到失窃的技术资料。崇尚个人…