搜索 Laya

  • 电影剧情
    拉摩洛丹(蒲巴甲 饰)王子看到了最不想看到的一幕,父亲尸骨未寒,母后竟与叔叔克洛朗(多布杰 饰)大婚。夜晚,父亲的鬼魂找到王子,告诉他自已是被亲兄弟所害。一心为父报仇的王子遭到母后百般阻拦,情绪失控的拉摩洛丹杀死了恋人奥萨鲁央(索朗卓嘎 饰)的父亲,被派往遥远的波斯,而奥萨鲁央因此气绝身亡。因邂逅阿郗苏羯公主(俄玛 饰),…
  • 电影生活
    改编自Ajin Panjapan同名短篇小说,故事主要以作者前半生(二战后)生活的泰南採矿营地为背景。该片曾入围第78届奥斯卡最佳外语奖竞赛单元。
  • 电影
    The subversive nature of gender roles.
  • 电影音乐
    电影讲述的是韩国登山家朴武宅于2004年在攀登海拔8750M的珠穆朗玛峰时,不幸遇难。为了寻回同伴的遗骨使他们安息,严弘吉(黄政民饰)率团前往珠穆朗玛峰,开始了新一次远征。5月29日,严弘吉和他的队员不负众望,在8700 M处找到了朴武宅的遗体,在冰雪皑皑的世界屋脊之巅 举行了隆重的安葬仪式,并且立碑为念。当时这件事曝光后,也引发了感动…
  • 电影生活
  • A Buddhist monk on a spiritual quest. A Student trying to test his limits. An organ dealer growing his business. A surgeon who heals by day and rapes women at night. The film interweaves various stories, on the threshold of pain, between life and death.
  • 《十月》北京电影学院2018届毕业联合作业时长:29分钟55秒类型:剧情第一指导教师:谢晓晶 夏钢故事梗概故事发生在2006年新疆北部的阿勒泰地区,一个小县城的哈萨克家庭中。六岁的小女孩阿阔杰克和爸爸妈妈姑姑叔叔生活在一起。阿阔杰克的哥哥出生后被送到了乡下的姥姥家寄养。十年过去,哥哥回家,与整个家庭格格不入,不愿让阿阔杰克称呼自己…
  • One night, a young man Ken crosses path with a woman with amnesia. Unbeknowest to both of them, the woman, named Larn by Ken, is a vampire. When her relatives find and reveal the awful truth to her, she flees from Ken, despite having falling hopelessly in love with him. Ken is adamant about winning his lover back from …
  • Chris与RJ第一次情窦初开后,已分分合合过了六年,两人情感变得更加紧密。Chris离了婚,仍自认为摩门教徒,与女儿Kaylee同住在盐湖城;RJ只身搬到波特兰,成为作家,信仰已薄弱许多。两人再次见面后,经历信仰的挣扎、遭逢家庭的巨变、顾念亲友的牵绊,面对种种冲突,最终找到了生命的归宿。
  • The movie is set in the 1930s in the Soviet Union at the construction site of the Magnitogorskiy metallurgical factory. The story is about one day in the process of building up the factory. After news arrived that workers in Kharkov have achieved higher results and set the record, the workers at Magnitogorskiy start to…