搜索 Leah

  • A young woman returns to her hometown to uncover the truth about her father's disappearance. Deep in the woods, she and her childhood friends battle ancient and terrifying forces controlling the town.
  • 电影恐怖
    Camille, a young woman who arrives at the Fairfield Academy following one of the student's untimely and violent death.
  • 电影恐怖
    Emerson Graham's nights as a cab driver are filled with annoyances and inconveniences, but until tonight, never attacks and disappearances. After picking up a mysterious passenger her evening goes from working a job to performing a quest as they must race against the clock to defeat a force of evil. The meter is runnin…
  • A teen movie star attempts to overcome her addition to alcohol and salvage what's left of her career after passing out on the red carpet at her big Hollywood premiere and being sent to recover with her upbeat aunt in Indiana. Morgan Carter (Jo Jo) is only seventeen years old, but she's already on top of the world. But …
  • 一位男子的妻子和女儿被意外谋杀,在他沉浸于悲伤之时,却发现自己卷入了一场战争中。这场战争在一群充满魅力的警员和席卷全城的犯罪案件之间展开。
  • Fresh out of rehab, a young woman moves back in with her parents and sister, and soon becomes involved in a mystery that has left people in her town paralyzed.
  • 中学生罗斯克头脑灵活精通电脑,他的爸爸正在研究全息造图技术,但这项技术目前正处在研究阶段,还没有面向大众。罗斯克的好朋友萨曼达组乐队参加选秀,但由于缺乏爆发力和对现场的控制能力而落选。萨曼达和乐队成员很是苦恼,因为她们都不会跳舞,乐队急需吸纳一名能歌善舞的女孩。于是萨曼达发出了招聘启示,结果却并不理想。罗斯克一直暗恋萨…
  • 一个炎热的夏天,有孕在身的晓安不顾丈夫的劝阻,执意游泳锻炼,不幸导致流产。她⽆无法接受这个事实,更无法面对丈夫和父母。一晚,她和丈夫起了争执。她⼀失手将他推出窗外。惊醒后发现是个噩梦,但丈夫却不见了。窗外的地面上出现了一条诡异的⼤缝,并渐渐地鼓了起来,仿佛埋葬了什么。晓 安冥冥感到怀孕的大地正在召唤着她。
  • 电影恐怖
    年轻女子凯瑞•米雪儿(Daryl Hannah 饰)正驱车前往缅因州的萨尔莫,准备开始新的生活。路上经过一个加油站,虽然站内工作人员发出警告,但凯瑞依然按照既定17号公路前进。不久,她来到一片森林附近,突然间发现一个满身伤痕、疲惫不堪的女子从灌木丛中走出。凯瑞救助了这名叫艾米•辛格(Leah Gibson 饰)的女子,而艾米则向凯瑞讲述了自己的…