搜索 Lease

  • 电视剧剧情
  • 电视剧剧情
  • Conditions of Release
    Jacob, a hotheaded, socially isolated construction worker on parole, contends with the daily humiliations of his criminal sentence. He dreams of moving far away, and starting his life anew. When he fails to convince his paternalistic parole officer to help him end his sentence early, Jacob must decide to take freedom i…
  • 一對情侶為了享受殺人快感,隨機殺害無辜陌生人。無差別攻擊讓兩人理念漸行漸遠,逐漸產生摩擦,一言不合之下誰會成為下個受害者?究竟誰能阻止悲劇發生?
  • Marilyn is trying really hard to make something that is good. For once her expectations and reality are going to align, perfectly. No, it will be even better than she imagined. It will be epic. It will be tear-jerkingly profound. It will be perfecter than perfect. Nothing can go wrong.
  • 电影
    Akil (KIL), a quiet and depressed young man sees suicide as an solution though he never succeeds in pulling it off. A chance encounter brings him face to face with the Life Action Bureau or LAB, an organization that will help him end his life. But after being bound to LAB's terms and conditions, he meets pretty and viv…
  • 在亚玛逊的热带丛林,有一个神秘的食人部落,这里的女人生性*荡粗野,男人则凶暴嗜杀,由酋长里伯暴力统治,他们生吞活食,嗜杀如命,狂情纵欲,这里蕴藏着丰富的天然黄金、钻石,为找到它们,希伯莱海盗格里克,杀人王凯特等疯狂掘金者各自带一队人踏进了恐怖丛林,丛林里各种毒虫猛兽,沼泽遍布,凶险万分。里伯对侵入领土的冒险者愤怒至及,…
  • 约会回家后,一对夫妇在该男子的公寓内遭到残酷袭击,烟雾散去后羞愧的女人恳求不要告诉警察。一名可疑的警察说服一位女性朋友与同一个人约会,随后发生了类似的袭击。据透露看似无辜的男人参与了这一行为,一种侵犯女性的聪明方法。