- A melancholy, dreamy voyage back to cruel adolescence, which condemns us to live without the possibility of return. We journey into the beginning of time, when mortals lived like gods, without worries and with never a thought about old age, to meet an attractive, beautiful boy who will let us into the garden of eternal…
- Das junge Ehepaar Maria und Jan lebt zusammen mit seiner Tochter in einem kleinen Dorf in Thüringen. Nachdem Maria arbeitslos wird, nimmt sie eine Stelle als Köchin in einem Hotel im 300 km entfernten Berlin an. Liebesaffären auf beiden Se…
- All sorts of schemes have been used in West Germany by developers anxious to move people out of old apartment houses so that new and more profitable developments can be put in their places. This sincere drama follows the work of "evictors," those whose job it is to get people who have been tricked into signin…