- “The Park Bench” mixes live action with vivid animation to create a whimsical tale of life, love – and literature. Emily (Nicole Hayden, “Mad Men”), a librarian-to-be, is assigned to tutor Mateo (Walter Perez, “Friday Night Lights”), a L…
- Two women find themselves in a dark dungeon tormented by distant memories of the horrific legend of Countess Elizabeth Bathory and looming feelings of sinister forces as they struggle to find an escape.
- 这部电影记录了在穆斯林统治下通过阿拉伯和非洲国家进行的现代奴隶贸易。这部电影既在公共场所进行,有时也使用隐藏的摄像机,拍摄裸体、性和暴力等影响深远的场景——还有一些惊喜,因为奴隶是由到麦加的游牧者制作的,奴隶商人支付旅行支票。