搜索 Lian

  • 这是一部探讨感情和物质在婚姻中的比重的爱情喜剧。单身母亲Iris Carsen多年来一直盼望自己的女儿能够在婚姻中找到一位“理想伴侣”,Iris称之为“适合结婚的材料”。其实所谓“理想”或者“适合”,在Iris的观念中完全等同于“富有”。然而情况突然发生了变化,Iris突然发现自己爱上了一个男人,而对方可绝不算“理想”。。
  • During Janus stay at a psychiatric hospital, the letters from Amina was what kept him alive. Now the letters have stopped, so he sets out to find out what happened to her, whatever the cost may be.
  • The horror/suspense thriller feature film GEHENNA opens with an intense scene where a large man is running through the dark woods while screaming. As he approaches an abandon old garage out of the fog and darkness an unseen image(Antagonist) ascends from beneath the fog. Within a minute he over powers the large man who…
  • Endres wants to be more than just a farmer's son. He wants to be able to read and write, wear clothes without holes and sleep in a proper bed. He goes to the court of the King, who is said to be the cleverest man in the land. Endres becomes his personal servant and every day after dinner brings him a mysterious golden …
  • 电影恐怖
    这个故事发生在18世纪的俄国。因宗教问题修道士Lavr被伊丽莎白殿下从圣彼得堡流放到院位于遥远的山区斯帕斯基修道院,而Lavr心里却蕴藏着神秘的古代知识。环绕着修道院的陆地是臭名昭著的。 当提到自从远古时代就流传的令人恐怖的邪灵传说以及在黑暗中寄居的生物地区的时候人们的声音都会变得低沉。几年后殿下决定把修道士召回来。因为她已经好…
  • Erwan, a strapping Breton who clears mines for a living, is shaken when he discovers that his father is not his father. Despite his affection for the man who raised him, he quietly sets out to find his biological father, and succeeds in locating Joseph, an endearing old codger he takes a liking to. Just when things loo…