搜索 Lian

  • Erwan, a strapping Breton who clears mines for a living, is shaken when he discovers that his father is not his father. Despite his affection for the man who raised him, he quietly sets out to find his biological father, and succeeds in locating Joseph, an endearing old codger he takes a liking to. Just when things loo…
  • Mario Latona, (Frank Montero) and his crew are young kids with a passion for crime. Mario dreams of becoming a real gangster like his Uncle Frank, (Alfredo Nasti) an under-boss of the local mob chapter, but in order to do so he has to operate under his uncle first. Taking place in New York's,"Little Italy". F…
  • Nothing seems to be working out for Danny Valentino. Despite being an aging taxi cab driver, he continues to pursue his unbreakable dream of becoming an actor! But this time, his high hopes get him into a horrible situation which ends up involving all the strange and aloof characters in his life. Now he must fight, qui…
  • 拉丁乐团最玩世不恭的女歌手,她曾是墨西哥传奇女画家芙烈达卡萝的闺蜜情人、和好莱坞女神艾娃嘉纳有过一段情。她是大导演阿莫多瓦的音乐缪思、拉丁乐坛史上最玩世不恭的灵魂歌者。她是每唱一次歌,就要死过一次的查维拉·瓦尔加斯(Chavela Vargas,1919-2012)。江湖流传她的八卦太辛辣。她不畏保守风气,一反唱片公司为她塑造的大家闺秀形象…
  • 本片是一部讲述生命力力与意志力的纪录片。影片聚焦五个特殊的孩子, 他们与我们分享日常生活、困惑与快乐。 安贝尔、卡米尔、查尔斯、伊迈德、图图瓦,是 五个六岁到九岁的罕见病儿童患者。疾病让他们比同 龄儿童都更成熟,也更早体会当下的意义。尽管如此, 他们依然还只是孩子。 导演安妮·道芬·朱利安德成功捕捉到了这群孩子 的敏感、脆弱…
  • 电影恐怖
  • Dr. Jackie Stevenson is a Los Angeles based therapist and scientist who tries to invent a serum to separate the pure from the lustful side of the female psychosis. After she has an unsuccessful experiment with a female client named Martine, which drove her patient to insanity and to a mental hospital, Jackie tries part…
  • 电影爱情
    The film follows the story of Cali, a blogger who owns the up and coming blog, "The Bakit List," and her ex Gio who will return to her life unexpectedly and surprisingly after breaking her heart.
  • Julian Lloyd Webber takes an extraordinary musical journey through the BBC archives from the 1950s to the present to celebrate the world of the cello through some of its greatest interpreters. From dazzling performances by legendary masters such as Paul Tortelier, Jacqueline du Pre and Mstislav Rostropovich to some of …