搜索 Lill

  • 弗洛里是一個胖胖的少年,他喜歡迪斯科音樂,媽媽莫妮卡很支持他,二人有個共同喜歡的流行歌星斯蒂芬。弗洛里的爸爸漢諾是位跳水教練,他更想把自己的意願強加給兒子。一天清晨,莫妮卡做好早餐在打掃房間時,中風倒地住進醫院,從此再也沒有醒來。弗洛里堅信媽媽會好起來, 把斯蒂芬的音樂帶進病房里。而漢諾為了讓兒子走出困境帶他來到游泳館…
  • ROAD 2: THE SEA OF GLASS AND FIRE picks up where the first film in the series ends. After the rapture has taken place, JOSH MCMANUS (David A. R. White) is left behind and goes on a journey to find out what has happened and attempts to travel home to find his family. Before he can go anywhere, he is confronted again by …
  • The story of the famous battle between the Scots clans of Macdonald and Campbell, and the young woman who comes between them, Annie Laurie.
  • 1975年,华沙。43岁的Kapuscinsk是一名出色的记者,经验丰富且满怀理想,是革命与人民利益的捍卫者。在波兰的新闻社,他请求上级派他前往非洲安哥拉。这个国家正陷入独立前夕的血腥内战。Kapuscinski由此踏上了一条直达战争核心的自杀式旅途。他再次直面战争的残酷,内心首次产生一种无力感。安哥拉给他带来了前所未有的改变:他在波兰是记者,…
  • When Ester becomes King Xerxes’ queen, her Cousin Mordecai and that despicable Haman engage in a dangerous game of intrigue for control of the young Persian King Xerxes.It’s not secret that Haman plans to exterminate the Jews, but Haman’s …
  • 《启示之路:是结束也是开始》是2013年上映的一部动作电影。主要讲述了乔希是一个平凡的旅行推销员。但是,在错误的时间,来到了满目疮痍的西德克萨斯城。所以,发生了一连串的不幸的事情。所以,也导致了他要面对一个叫做邪恶野蛮人的摩托车黑帮…于是,紧接着,天空突然的一闪烁,带来了一系列的严重地震,整个世界都已经陷入到了混乱当中。有…
  • 安德烈(Ana Angelillo 饰)是个性格腼腆心思细腻的大男孩,每天的生活就是固定的往返于家、学校和打零工的店铺之间,非常的规律且枯燥。唯一能够让安德烈感到安慰的,是一直陪伴着他的摇滚乐队黑夜。可是某一日,当安德烈得知黑夜的主唱自杀身亡的消息后,他一直以来的精神支柱崩塌了,崩溃的安德烈甚至生出了追随主唱而去的念头。母亲非常担心…
  • In the not too distant future, two young men escape civil war in America, and end up on a paradise island. Finding a mysterious civilization of teenagers, they are swept up in a world of sex, drugs and 24 hour partying. But the threat from the mainland is ever present and creeps closer by the day. Power, love, deceptio…