搜索 Linden

  • The Fifth Estate is a Canadian television newsmagazine. The name is a play on the fact that the media are sometimes referred to as the Fourth Estate, and was chosen to highlight the program's determination to go beyond everyday news into original journalism. The program has been on the air since September 16, 1975, and…
  • 职业沙滩排球明星凯利雷耶斯,每天面对的最大挑战是激烈的竞争者和新闻界。但是为了他,她却什么也准备不了
  • 电影科幻
    近未来,人类文明几近崩溃,暴力冲突接连而起。与此同时,神秘而致命的病毒肆意蔓延,被感染者化身为嗜血凶残的丧尸,其数量呈几何数疯狂递增。医学对此束手无策,人类世界毁灭在即。幸存者在白天四处奔走,晚上则多在安全之所,只求残喘偷生。\r\n  就在这危难时刻,一群身怀绝技、武功高强的人类自发组成猎人团体,出没于黑暗之中,猎杀那些…
  • 电影剧情
  • 电影恐怖
  • 一则跨越三代,不停纠缠在不伦与血统之间的家族故事,德莱叶不仅赋予本片一股浓得化不开的悲剧气氛,也尖锐的触碰了个体感情与森严的血统律法冲突时,道德与宗教都无法解决的矛盾。德莱叶首部剧情长片作品,将自己身为私生子的身世背景融入其中,俯拾皆是私密的感情印记,细腻如浪漫画派的摄影和多层次的叙事逻辑,已经完全展现大师级的电影语言…
  • In The Burial Society, Sheldon Kasner, an unlikely criminal who works as a bank loan manager, infiltrates the mysterious world of the Chevrah Kadisha (the Jewish society that prepares bodies for burial according to ancient ritual) in order to steal a body and fake his own death after mobsters come after him looking for…
  • The fate of humankind is only a slip away.Hell Has Never Been So Cold.-------------------A device that controls a powerful satellite weapon is stolen but the ones who stole who tried to escape in a helicopter were shot down and the device is now a high mountain top. So some expert mountain climbers are recruited to bri…